Many patients end up getting hernias that have resulted from a previous surgery. These are called ventral hernias or incisional hernias (either term is correct). They appear as a bulge in the abdominal wall, which tends to get larger when standing or coughing. Ventral hernias usually occur in the middle of the abdomen, where the muscles are weakest or where the muscles are under tension – gradually pulling apart the internal sutures. Vertical midline (up and down in the middle of the abdomen) incisions are the most likely to break down and require repair – these ventral hernias can begin as a very small bump but rapidly grow into a much more pronounced bulge. Whether they start small or large, it’s very important to get them repaired before further complications occur.
Ventral hernias are considerably more likely than other types of hernias to contain intestine, and if the intestine gets stuck (or “incarcerated”) it can become a surgical emergency. Ventral hernias can also enlarge with time. If they get very large they may become more difficult to repair. A ventral hernia that is enlarging, painful, or difficult to push back (reduce) should probably be repaired sooner rather than later.
As with inguinal and umbilical hernias, ventral hernias need to be fixed using mesh. Studies have shown that repairs without mesh (where the muscles are sewn back together) have a considerably higher likelihood of failure. By reinforcing the repair with mesh, most patients never get another hernia in this area.
Today, our mesh repair technique can give you the peace of mind knowing that you’ll never have to worry about a hernia (at the original incision location) again. Essentially, the mesh is plastic screen that is stitched over the repaired hole in the muscle, and it’s almost impossible to stretch, tear or work loose!
We have performed many of these surgeries at our hernia center using mesh techniques that allow patients to be discharged safely without need for overnight hospitalization. Because ventral hernia surgeries are generally longer procedures than other hernia surgeries, the costs may be slightly higher.
At the Affordable Hernia Surgery Center, hernia surgeries are done at a modern and fully certified outpatient hernia surgery center in Rockville, Maryland. Our specialized center allows us to pass savings on to our patients. Because ventral hernia repair is more involved that inguinal or umbilical repair, the cost is slightly higher.
Our patients come from all over the United States to get their hernia surgery at our surgery center because of our affordable, low cost hernia operations. Don’t suffer from or worry about your hernia anymore – contact our office today to schedule a consultation!